Art Gallery

Art Gallery

Experience a movie on a canvas! Our Founder and Creative Director – Bhavna Minocha designs and works with her team of professional artists to produce a final art work to adorn every wall and home. Each art work is planned, composed and designed by Bhavna before reaching the execution stage where different artists, masters of different mediums and techniques work together to produce the final masterpiece.

From Oil Paintings to Acrylic to Watercolour, Charcoal and Installations-choose a beautiful piece for your home, office or even to gift someone. Our team has successfully delivered customized art works to several clients in India and overseas. You can also get artworks customised to match your requirements of size, colour scheme and medium.


  • Designed & Created by a team of Professional Artists led by Founder & Creative Director – Bhavna Minocha
  • Customised Artworks to Match your existing Interiors and Size Requirements
  • Artworks Available in various Mediums and Techniques, all under One Roof